Architecture is such a powerful medium. It can make history, preserve it, transform spaces, inspire and more - all while serving us with its utility and functionality. It creates homes, offices, communities, and cities full of its monuments. It shelters, providing us with our homes. But it’s the inspiration that architecture provides that I’m all about. And Nadaaa, Boston based Architectural firm founded by Nader Tehrani and Katherine Faulkner, is all about it too.
Their work is such a wonderful example of how a space is so much more than the sum of its parts. It’s not just a room, a useful place, a mix of materials, a measure of light and dark, but an emotional reaction that all these things combined incite. To be surrounded by beauty is to FEEL that beauty - and that is the real gift of good architecture.
And these are just a few photos of some of the incredible projects they do all over the world - truly a source of inspiration.