What is Feng Shui (according to me!)

  • How you see your home can make all the difference

    Imagine walking into a room and seeing it full of stuff. You want to get in and walk around, but in each area of the home things are blocking your way.

    Or maybe there is a path you can use but it’s sending you straight out the back door and away from where you’re trying to go.

    Then there’s that area in the corner where everything is clear and beautiful, but you can’t even get to it because of all the other stuff in front of you.

  • Maybe all that mindset work is only half the battle

    Although we cannot see it, the energy of our home is exactly like that home I just described - there are pathways where the energy might come in and run straight out and other areas that are just so blocked and stagnant nothing can move.

    Just like with a good cleaning, it won’t solve your problem if you don’t create an actual system and plan to address all the things that are going on.

    Without the support of your home, the mindset work will always only be half the battle.

  • Maybe you know you’re meant for more but can’t figure out what’s standing in your way

    Traditional Flying Stars Feng Shui goes much deeper than the colors in a room or the position of your bed, and works on alchemizing the actual elemental energy of your home. When your home is properly analyzed and the remedies put in, the flow and balance Feng Shui can create ripples out into all areas of your life. It is the key to removing the physical barriers in your life, and allows you to open yourself up to the abundance and energetic support that your home can provide - so all those seeds you’ve planted can actually start to grow.

  • Maybe you need Feng Shui

    When we do the Outer Work, we create a stepping stone to propel ourselves further into a life that we love and open ourselves up to innumerable possibilities.

    Take away the obstacles and set yourself up for success, support and abundance using the ancient practice of Feng Shui.

    When you harness your home’s power, you clear the path so you can THRIVE. Are you ready for next level expansion?

 “If there is light in the soul, there is beauty in the person.

If there is beauty in the person, there is harmony in the home.

If there is harmony in the home, there is honor in the nation.

If there is honor in the nation, there is peace in the world.””

— Chinese Proverb