It all began…
Photo by Jenny Mayfield
When I realized it’s not just about the “inner work.”
Hi! I’m Laili (pronounced like ukulele without the “uku”!) and my mission is to bring home energetics to the forefront of tools we entrepreneurs use in propelling our lives towards greater expansion AND harmony. I’m all about the woo, the mindset, AND the aesthetics.
After nearly two decades of work in interior design, my own journey in self transformation has become a central aspect of my work. As a tired mum, expat and business owner I was overwhelmed, exhausted and despite having a beautiful home, something felt off. After discovering and implementing Feng Shui into my own life, I saw first hand the incredible transformations that it afforded me. Becoming a certified Feng Shui practitioner became a MUST for me, and now I integrate it into everything I do.
Our physical space is a powerful tool that plays an essential role in living our best lives. By transforming both the physical and the energetic using the practices of Traditional Feng Shui and Interior Design, with an essential dash of inner work, I propel my clients towards their highest energetic path. Our homes are an incredible resource that we can harness in order to create greater expansion and abundance. Together with my clients, we focus on doing the ‘outer work’ so that they can flourish, thrive and truly embody luxury. And when I say this, it’s not about the stuff - the designer bags and fancy homes - it’s about creating a surrounding that supports every aspect of who we are and where we want to go. Because real luxury is a feeling, a frequency, a way of being. It’s not something you buy.
As a mother of three incredible children, an avid reader, traveler, shopper, eater and total lover of ‘woo’, I am on a constant journey to live, learn, laugh and love.
I have a deep love of experiencing - whether it’s through searching, shopping, testing, reading, tasting, or traveling. I am always seeking to understand myself, the world, and beauty (visual and spiritual) at a deeper level. Although a lot of my obsessions center around interiors, beauty, wellness, food is a (VERY) close second, and I love to share about the topics and beliefs close to my heart in my blog, and especially in my newsletter. And since I also love to talk, you can hear me share all about the magic of Feng Shui as a guest on so many amazing podcasts.
I hope my work brings beauty, harmony and inspiration into your life. I would love to hear from you so please leave comments and stop by my Instagram, and subscribe to my newsletter for a monthly dose of me, my thoughts and some fun Feng Shui tips!
I am all about creating community, so reach out below if you’re interested in collaborating! And of course, if you’re ready to bring the magical art of Feng Shui to your life, then hit me up!
What is it I do?
Interior Design
Why is design so compelling? Why do we scour the magazines and dream of spaces with beautiful art and furniture? To me, design is powerful not simply because of the end result, but because of the power of transformation. Design is a journey in creation, in transformation, in change. And with it comes a connection to our outer world that helps to expand and enhance our inner selves. Through the power of Interior Design, I help to bring your inner desires to the physical plane.
Feng Shui
Energy is the unspoken component of design. When we enter a space, no matter how beautifully appointed, it is how that space makes us feel that has the biggest impact. But without truly understanding the energies, we can only know whether a space makes us feel good, or if something just doesn’t feel right. Feng Shui is an ancient practice, and is the key to unlocking the inherent power within our homes to help us transform and co-create what we all dream about - abundance, prosperity and health. When we align our homes, we align our lives.
Editorials & Speaking Engagements
Sharing is a passion. Whether I am writing about the incredible power and impact of Feng Shui on expanding our lives, my personal experiences, or my favorite topics like Design, Beauty, and Female Empowerment, I aim to inform and inspire with each article I write. And for those who know me well, they know I love to speak. Sometimes, sharing through the art of conversation is the most impactful way to spread our messages. I am all about creating community, so reach out if you’re interested in collaborating.
“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
-Marianne Williamson

While you’re here, enjoy some free resources to bring beauty & alignment into your life!
What Feng Shui Says About Your Love Life
5 Tips to Feng Shui Your Home Office